Basing all my operations upon the attaining a controlling power over the mind of the suspected parties - Our operations are necessarily tedious - Nay frequently very slow - Our strength lays in the secrecy of our movements, and thus we are frequently enabled to penetrate into the abodes of crime in all classes of society.

The only danger which I percieve to our operating is in the short time we have to work in.

By some such an effort, I believe (If any organization exists - or any body of men are preparing for the service suspected), I could be able to learn their secrets and proposed plans of operations in sufficient time to be able to communicate them to you. that I should myself with from four to six operatives, immediately repair to the seat of danger and first endeavor to ascertain if any organization is in existence which might directly or indirectly have for its object the commission of the offence you alluded to, and if so, then to become acquainted with some of the members of such body, and, if practible, some of my operatives should join the same, and so soon as we learn positively who the leading spirits are that would be likely to do The Active Labor on the project you alluded to, an unceasing Shadow should be kept upon them every moment and, if, possible, a Shadow should even be located in the dwelling or boarding house occupied by the parties above alluded to. I would suggest in view of the brief time we now have to operate in Should the suspicions of danger still exist, as was the case at our interview on the 19 th Inst. (for the assassination of President Lincoln.)Ī letter was written of which the following is a copy. Allan Pinkerton Agency (Report Furnished to William H.